“Snapchat Planets: A Comprehensive Guide to the Friends System(2024)”

"Snapchat Planets: A Comprehensive Guide to the Friends System(2024)"

Only those with paid subscriptions to Snapchat Planets can access certain of its features. Among these functions are the snap planets. It rates your pals based on how often you message them, comparing them to planets. To learn more about Snapchat Planets in detail, keep reading:

All social media platforms are rolling out paid premium subscriptions. These subscriptions provide their paying customers access to several exclusive benefits. Your science book may have taught you about the solar system, including how every planet similarly orbits the sun. The Snapchat Plus edition, which includes Snapchat planets, is now accessible as well. It is paid for and, like similar social media networks, assigns a buddy to many planets according to the degree of their intimacy.

What is Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat+ is a paid membership that grants users access to additional features. Users must pay a monthly membership fee to use Snapchat Plus and its additional features. Being able to alter the Snapchat+ app’s icon, view who has viewed your story again, and add specific individuals as BFFs are some of its more intriguing features.

For its Snapchat+ users, Snapchat has now unveiled its Snapchat planet order. It should be mentioned that you still have to put up with advertising; the monthly subscription does not eliminate it.

Meaning of Snapchat Planets Order

Each planet represents a distinct place on their list of Best Friends when you press the badge on Snapchat. On Snapchat Plus, the buddy that is nearest to you will be emphasized in the Snapchat planets hierarchy.

Users may access this function by clicking on the “Best Friends” or “Friends” badges with the gold border. When you subscribe to Snapchat Plus, the ‘Best Friends’ or ‘Friends’ badge on another Snapchat user’s friendship profile will have a gold ring around it.

By calling them “best friends,” you are the friend closest to them. If you call them “friends,” though, you are in the eighth rank of their closest pals on Snapchat, not first among your own. If the Sun is your buddy and you are the Earth, then you are their third best friend.

Friend Solar System: What Does It Mean?

When discussing the solar system in real life, it is important to remember that each planet orbits the sun at a different distance. You appear to be the sun of the Friend Solar System on Snapchat Plus.

The person you have shared the most streaks with, known as the Mercury in Snapchat Planets, will seem to be in first place. The remaining buddies will go through this procedure again and will be identified as distinct planets. In Snapchat, your relationship with someone is gauged by how often you exchange streaks with them, which determines your planet order.

"Snapchat Planets: A Comprehensive Guide to the Friends System(2024)"

Order of Snapchat Plus Planet

Snap Planet Order reflects your degree of friendship. Remember that Bitmoji has to be linked by both of your closest friends to work. To be best friends, you have to be on each other’s top eight friend lists. If one of you is absent, the other will just be there as friends.

The Snapchat planets use the solar system to rank the eight of your closest friends from closest to furthest away. This is known as the Snapchat planet order. They’ll appear as the Sun and you as a planet when you click “Best Friend” to view your rating. If you are a Mercury, then you are that person’s closest and greatest friend.

Mercury: Since Mercury is the planet nearest to the Sun, it appears in front of the person with the most streaks posted on Snapchat in the solar system order. He is also thought of as your closest and best buddy. Its indication is the “Pink planet” with a red heart.

Venus: The planet that follows in the Snapchat planets sequence is Venus. The buddy username that appears is the one with whom you have the second-most streaks shared, and it represents your second-closest friend. Its emblem will be a “Beige planet with blue, yellow, and pink hearts”.

Earth: The user is referred to as their third-closest friend on Snapchat by Earth. It is described as a “green and blue planet with red hearts and the moon”.

Mars: The planet that comes next is the fourth closest neighbor in the snap planets’ order. A “blue heart” with a blue heart serves as its insignia.

Jupiter: It appears that the fifth planet, Jupiter, is your fifth-closest buddy on Snapchat. It is shown as an “orange planet without hearts”.

The sixth-closest friend in the Snapchat planets ranking is Saturn, represented by the image of a “yellow planet with a ring.”

Neptune: Showing your eight closest Snapchat pals, Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system. This planet is shown as a “Blue planet with no hearts”.

Last reflections

Get Snapchat Plus to get premium features like listing planets with your Snapchat closest pals. With several more options, such as Snapchat planets, you may personalize your Snapchat experience. There is a 7-day free trial available if you would want to test it out before deciding whether or not to utilize it.

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